Amputation Day 3/14/11
Monday March 14th, 2011 was a day my husband & I had set aside to spend together as it was the 18th anniversary of our “first” date. Nothing was mentioned that whole day about us cause we had something else more important on our minds……our Duker! We spent that day meeting ADA guidelines in our home for Duke. We moved our bedroom from upstairs to downstairs, went from a frame to no frame or boxsprings, moved his twin size mattress down from upstairs to the foot of our mattress like usual, put another twin size bed in the living room, blankies & sheets all washed and dried, now we just needed him home.
The vet/surgeon (Dr. Lineberger) called me approximately 12:00pm to let me know they were prepping for surgery and to make sure of the type of amputation we had decided on (we chose the “basic” amputation I guess you’d call it. Not the hemi one where they take out the whole hip) and that it should begin soon. Surgery went well with a call around 5:30pm to let us know he was resting & suggested we not come visit as he needed to rest which we totally understood. He mentioned Duke, if doing well, would be able to come home the next day 🙂
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